Bluestacks emulator not working
Bluestacks emulator not working

bluestacks emulator not working

Once the old version of Bluestacks has been uninstalled, reboot your computer.Then, follow the on-screen prompts to remove the current version of Bluestacks from your system.

bluestacks emulator not working

  • In Programs and Features, scroll through the application list, right-click on Bluestacks and choose Uninstall.
  • Then, type “ appwiz.cpl” and hit Enter to open Programs and Features.
  • Press Windows key + R to open up a Run box.
  • Here’s a quick guide on how to install & update Bluestacks: But in order to make sure that you perform a clean installation, you’ll need to remove the old version first. You can work around this problem by installing the latest version available (latest versions include fixes related to various compatibility issues with Windows 10). Note: Even if you have the latest version of Bluestacks, reinstalling the client will automatically resolve a lot of corruption problems that might cause the issue. If you haven’t updated your Bluestacks version after upgrading to Windows 10, the issue most likely happens because you’re still using an older version that is not compatible with Windows 10. Method 1: Uninstall & Update Bluestacks to the latest version

    bluestacks emulator not working

    Since the fixes are ordered by frequency and severity, please follow the methods in order until you encounter a method that resolves the issue in your particular situation. Below you have a collection of potential fixes that other users have used to resolve the problem. If you’re currently struggling with frequent BlueStacks crashes on your PC, start following the methods featured in this article. However, most of the time, this issue is either caused by a software conflict, corruption or an outdated version of Bluestacks. Most affected users report that this error is right after or some time after upgrading from an older Windows (Windows 7 or Windows 8) version to Windows 10.Īfter investigating the issue, we noticed that there are quite a lot of intermittent issues with BlueStacks that might force it to crash (particularly on Windows 10).

    bluestacks emulator not working

    While some report that only the software crashes with the “an unexpected error occurred” error message, other users report that every crash is followed by a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) crash. Some users have been reporting that they experience regular Bluestacks crashes while gaming on Windows 10.

    Bluestacks emulator not working